Corona Virus: Letter to the Congregation 18th March 2020

18th March 2020
To the congregation of Glastry Methodist Church

We know that Covid-19 Coronavirus presents a challenge to all church members. There is worry about the impact of the virus, particularly for those with other health issues, concerns about just how we continue to live our everyday lives at a time of social distancing and self-isolation, and worries about how we can support each other in our church family.
It is important that everyone knows what steps we are taking to plan for the future, accepting that we may need to change the ideas as more information becomes available.

Sadly, we received confirmation yesterday from the Methodist Church in Ireland that all gatherings for worship are cancelled until further notice. (Similar advice is being issued by the Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and by several dioceses of the Church of Ireland.) Congregational activities and organisations are also cancelled. However, Churches are asked to consider, and share, ways with which we can continue with worship while not meeting together.
Having discussed the possibilities, we have decided that we will use Zoom to facilitate live-streamed services and will provide simple guidance to everyone to allow them to set this up on their computer or tablet or phone. (There will be instructions on how to listen to this service without Internet using a mobile or landline.) For those without digital access we will provide a written outline of the service, including the message, by email or post.

We now roll this out and will provide guidance on how to access the live-streamed service. Please do not hesitate to contact Jordan for support.

Those isolating at home
We recognise the importance of keeping contact with those people who are self- isolating. We will agree a rota and allocate each to someone who will maintain regular contact both for spiritual support as well as for practical issues such as shopping or collecting prescriptions, where there are any difficulties.

Other issues
It is vital during the uncertain times that we work together with the other Churches in our surrounding area. This is both to be able to offer practical support but also to ensure that should there be significant illness the Churches work together to support the community.

We are also concerned that we do not give in to fear but remember that we are in God’s hands. Church Council will explore ways in addition to Sunday Services in which we can provide encouragement and stimulate faith and hope at this time. If you are on Facebook, we would encourage you to make sure you have ‘liked’ our church page, “Glastry Methodist Church”.

Finally, we are following all the rules from Government, and guidance from the Church, with regard to all matters and constantly monitor this advice to ensure we are following best practice at all time.
Prayer points
• Our Minister and his family as they face this unprecedented challenge
• Those self-isolating
• Those who are ill and anxious
• Our Government that it may make wise decisions
• All in the NHS as they struggle to deal with the virus
• Those researching a vaccine.

Minister: Rev. Jordan Litchfield, 20 Victoria Road, Ballyhalbert, BT22 1DG Phone: 028 4273 8210 email:

Circuit Steward: Mark Hammond, 22A Victoria Road, Ballyhalbert, BT22 1DG Phone 028 4237 8578 email:

Steward:Errol McMaster, 266C Main Road, Cloughey, BT22 1JD Phone: 028 4277 2952

Pastoral Coordinator: Annika McKillen 07592 944217