Easter 2020

Good afternoon,

Just a reminder about the events on tonight and Friday. Details are below. If using Internet to connect, note the password. It remains the same as the weekend, but a few people missed it on Sunday.

Access Details
Link: Pls contact Jordan
Meeting ID: 384 632 9833
Tel/Mob: 0203 481 5240
** The password is a new step in order to help ensure the security of our meetings together. This should only apply to those connecting via Internet. Please do not just pass this on to anyone, instead, if someone else is interested in joining us please give them my email address or phone number and I will be very happy to help them join in.

Wednesday, 8th April
In our online gatherings on Sundays there is limited opportunity (especially with a large number of participants) to get to actually chat and catch up. While this lasts I will now host two separate ‘Coffee & Chat’ sessions each Wednesday night – one for Portaferry and one for Glastry. These will be relaxed, informal sessions where we can share how we are managing our isolation, share some jokes! (?), share any prayer requests, and I will share a very brief and simple thought. No one needs to feel obligated to join in, it’s just being offered for anyone who is interested.
Portaferry: 7pm
Glastry: 8pm
Friday, 10th April
Good Friday Service: 8pm

Next week is Holy Week of course; normally in Glastry we would be enjoying joint services with the local Presbyterian congregation. However, we will take the chance to gather together virtually and remember the life-giving death of our Saviour. Everyone welcome.
