February 2020 Bulletin

Minister: Rev Jordan Litchfield – Tel: 02842 738210. Mobile: 07503038408.
Society Steward Mr Errol McMaster 02842 772952
Pastoral Coordinator Mrs Annika McKillen 07592 449217

February 2020 Mornings 11.30am Evenings 6.45pm
Morning Rev Jordan Litchfield **
Evening Annika McKillen
Morning Rev Philip Agnew
Evening William Henderson
Morning Paul Clarke
Evening Local Preacher TBA
Morning Doug Edmondson
Evening AGM

**First Sunday in February the focus will be on World Mission Partnership**
**Communion is the first Sunday in the month**
**Last Sunday in the month please support Ritchie & Miyung**

Time of prayer every Sunday morning from 11.00am to 11.20am in McCormack Hall

The prayer request folder is in the porch for any specific items for prayer

Weekly Church activities
Tuesday Prayer Meeting in McCormack Hall at 8.00pm
Wednesday Fortnightly Craft Group at 7.30pm in the McCormack Hall
Wednesday Weekly Men’s Fellowship at 8.00pm in vestry
Thursday Portavogie House Group at 8.00pm in the home of Denis & Carol Gilmore
Friday Fortnightly Lighthouse Group in the home of Jim & Miriam Bell Cloughey,
Friday CE at 7.00pm

Don’t Forget!
Please plan to attend the Annual General Meeting which is being held on Sunday 23rd at 6:45pm.
For 2020 we are updating our prayer list. Please speak to Jordan or Errol with any requests.

Bulletin/announcements to Alyson Eccles, alyson.eccles@btinternet.com. 07803781330